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Week 1

Week 1

Welcome back to the Summer term! I hope you all had a super Easter Break!



This week in phonics was a review and assessment week - so we went over all the digraphs and trigraphs we have learnt! We also practiced reading words with -s or -es on the end and read -ing words. Mrs Braddock was very impressed that we remembered these even after two weeks off!!


Other learning this week:

yes We began our new topic on Growing - we talked about plants and flowers and what they need to grow. We looked at different flowers and drew them on the make and do table.

yesIn maths, we've been doing lots of counting to 20 (forwards and backwards!). We've played lots of counting games and also been recognising the teen numbers as sometimes we get these a little muddled! On the maths table we were challenged to order numbered cubes from 0-20 too.

yesIn English, Mrs Braddock gave us a picture of a farm scene and we had to write about what we could see in the picture. Some of us wrote as many as 4 sentences. We talked about describing the things we could see such as 'pink pig' rather than just pig as this adds more detail!

yesIn PE we are doing athletics this half-term and did lots of different types of races.
