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wc. 5th December 22

Week 6


We can't believe it's the end of week 6 already - this half term is flying and has been filled with lots of exciting activities!

Bex and Angela from Derbyshire Music Hub were back and super impressed with our efforts over the two weeks they haven't been in school. We learnt and practised the pieces that we will be showcasing to all parents/guardians next week - we can't wait to show you! The tracks and pieces are available below to have a go at home. 


In maths this week, we've started a new learning focus - area. We've learnt about what area is and how we can count squares to find the area of rectilinear shapes. We then went on to draw rectilinear shapes with specific areas of our own.

In writing, we've been acting out the story of Tadeo Jones and are building to write a diary entry as Tadeo himself! We talked about thoughts and feelings of characters and how we can use 'show not tell' when writing about emotions. We also looked at different examples of diary entries, identified the key features and discussed informal language.


In art, we had a fantastic morning making our own Modroc canopic jars following on from our mummification learning. Each child chose one of the four canopic jar designs, sketched it, then created a base using paper cups and card and finally covered the base with Modroc. It got a bit messy but the class loved it! Once they are fully dried, we will be painting them and writing some hieroglyphics on too!

Finally, we've continued our programming learning in computing with Mrs Lea where we are building up to create programs by planning, modifying and testing commands to create shapes and patterns.

Kick Start.mp3


Choc Treats.mp3

Rain on the Green Grass.mp3

Open String Sleigh Ride - A.mp3

Silent NIght.mp3

Jingle Bells.mp3
