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Week 4

This week the Marvellous Mice had an exciting trip on a double decker bus! We visited Derby Open Centre and three different places of worship to learn more about other cultures and faiths. The children were able to develop their RE knowledge and their British Values of Tolerance, Mutual Respect and Individual Liberty. They were so well behaved and asked some brilliant questions to further their understanding. They represented the school wonderfully, we were so proud of them.

First, we visited Derby Jamia Mosque. We looked around the prayer hall and learnt about the different important features. We learnt about the main Islamic beliefs and how to perform Wudu (the ritual of cleansing). Sam and Selina were very impressed with the things that we already knew from our RE work this half term.


"I really liked seeing the rooms inside the Mosque, this was my favourite part."

"I learnt that children go back to the Mosque after school every night."

Next, we visited the Hindu Temple. We went upstairs and looked at the different deities. We learnt that Hindu worshippers can ring a bell when they enter the room to let God know that they are there. We also got the chance to try on some traditional clothes.


"I learnt about some of the special clothes that people wear."

"When we went inside you could really smell incense and people left gifts for God like food and money."

Finally, we visited the Sri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara. We were lucky to be able to try some flatbread and curry and to see how the Sikh worshippers play music and spin the chakar.


"I liked the Gurdwara because we got to see lots of things and I liked the curry."

"I liked watching Hugo play the drums."

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