Encouraging ASPIRATION at Willington...
On Wednesday, we were thrilled to host GB Olympic swimmer, Joe Roebuck, who was ten times British Champion, double Commonwealth silver medalist, double European medalist and London 2012 Olympic semi-finalist. Amy Smith, also an Olympic swimmer, joined Joe on his visit which meant we were lucky to spend the afternoon with two Olympic athletes! Each class participated in a circuit session and enjoyed cheering each other on throughout the afternoon. We did mountain climbers, spotty dogs, push ups and star jumps… there were a lot of tired bodies and sweaty faces by the end of it! Year 6’s Lola and James did a fantastic job as ‘runners’ going to each class to give a 5 minute warning before they would be needed. Once every class completed their circuit with Joe and Amy, Joe held an inspiring whole school assembly before answering some of the children’s questions. He talked about the importance of practicing, persevering, and cheering yourself, and others on. The children were amazed by his swimming achievements and stories of his travels across the world.
“I loved doing the mountain climbers” Isla
“It was tiring doing the circuit but I had a really good time,” Saran Y4